Sunday, September 2, 2012

Okay, So I'm a Bit Off

... But that doesn't mean I'm not angry anyway.

First thing is first, HI! I'm trying this whole blogging thing again, and hopefully I can keep up with it, hopefully. But that is not why I post, nor why I am angry.

US CPSC: Cease Magnet Prohibition! Sign Me
BUCKYBALLS!! I want them back on our shelves.  I want them to be sold, like any other 'adult marketed desk toy' I WANT MY BALLS.

A little back story: I work in a place that SOLD them.  (Yes this is in the past tense and I am about a month behind this whole breaking news story, but life gets in the way of internet ranting.) And we were told they were being PULLED off the market, by the FEDS.  HOWEVER, it was a voluntary pull because everything is still in litigation.  Nothing has been finalized, Maxfield and Oberton is fighting back.  As they should.

This is not an issue of a manufacturer trying to harm consumers, it is an issue that we, Americans, can't read instructions or properly protect our children.  Or for that matter teach them how to read.  The warning labels are clearly defined and if the warning labels weren't enough (you know all THREE of them on the outside of the package) then the fact that the resellers had to warn people of their hazards or they couldn't sell them.  IF that still wasn't enough- then we have no common sense. NONE.  WHY in the living seven realms of hell would you give your small child SMALL objects of any kind?! 

We keep all other small parted things away from small kids who swallow things, so what's so special about Buckyballs that parents just had to give them to their 5 year olds?  Come on. THINK PEOPLE!

And sign this petition - - save a corporation that has done nothing wrong, from people who can't seem to do anything right.

OH yeah, if you want to look at the actual litigation and crap and legal stuff then look here.

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