Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sooooooo... Do *You* Self Edit?

I do.  A lot.  I mean a lot a lot.  Like pretty much every I get online I do not jump into Facebook conversations or forums or chats or pretty much ANYTHING for fear of saying something stupid or offensive.  I know what some of you are thinking, because I'm thinking it too, and if you don't well I'm thinking that I shouldn't worry about it.  I should be myself and share and express.  HOWEVER, I don't. I am pretty sure it comes from a deep rooting something, blah, blah, blah, acceptance, blah yadda yadda, Freud.  So, now that I've admitted I have an issue then um. Well.  Um. Yeah. I'm going to try not to do that anymore.

There are things on these world wide webs that make me laugh, like spitting coffee out of my nose laugh.  But I don't want to share it in general because of those few people that may see it and become offended.  Again, like I said.  No more.  This blog is going to become my 'share stuff that may offend people place' and if you don't like it you don't have to read it.  You really don't have to come here at all.  (And by my traffic stats a lot of people don't, so I guess I don't have a lot of things to worry about there.)


Thanks to the comic I read every day it updates (which is Monday - Friday) I have found Garfunkel and Oates.. .... .....  I literally almost dropped my phone when I was watching this video this morning. 

Yes. Yes. This is NOT work safe.  Blah blah blah warning.   And offensive and educational.  And thank you again FTF!

Another thing I would like to share, since I'm sharing Youtube goodiness is a playlist I made because I can and because of Improbable Island  it's all about Zombies.  

Did you know there were Zombie love songs?  Well now you do.  See this blog IS informative!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

My take on Remember Me

Remember Me is a game on the PC, PS3 (I think Xbox, but I pay Microsoft no mind) created and published by Dontnod Entertainment and Capcom.    *Moment of silence.*

I haven't been so disappointed in a game in a while.  Not a long while, but a while.  It could have been great.  It could have been as Thief good, with tech and mind re-mixing and awesome storying and other amazing-ness.  But it wasn't.  It was non of that.   The combat was overly precise, I mean timing perfection needed to pull out combos, combos that you could basically build yourself within a very structured, very limited form.  Combos that are necessary to kill anything, and survive.  Because without the boosts of combos you will not survive. Trust me on this one.

The combos are just like the entire game, limited.  Structured. Linear.  

I am, in all honesty, kind of speechless for this one.  The story was fantastic.  The graphics were amazing and I didn't see very many glitches at all.  No game play glitches that I ran into either.  (Unlike Star Trek.)  The combat *looked* smooth, and was fun when I could kill something.   I loved all four times you remix memories too!  Yes, just four times. 4.  When all of the previews and teasers made it seem like that was going to be a big part of the game, not just plot points.

Again, I'm disappointed. I wanted a sneaking game that let you mess with peoples heads, that made you a thief above thieves, because you were stealing and defiling that which is supposed to be untouchable, truly sacred.  Instead it's a linear beat 'em up that is unforgiving and short.  The final boss wasn't challenging at all (running in circles did it for me).  And did I mention it was not a sneaking game?  Your a memory hunter, a thief, yet you stole things three times (maybe four) and didn't have to sneak AT ALL.

I beat it.  I got the t-shirt.  But I did NOT get a new game plus.   No restart with all your stats to pick up all the collectibles you missed.  So I felt no need to do so, it wasn't worth the struggle of the perfect-timing battle system that I couldn't get down.  Even by the end of the game all I could do was the 3 hit combo, and some times the five.   Sometimes, when it let me.


This is sad.  I wanted to do a full write up, something that told you guys about an amazing game, something that made sense, but it was so disappointing and I was so terribly let down that I really don't have the words.

Which is the exact reason I haven't done a write up on Star Trek the Game.  I haven't even beaten Star Trek yet, and I got it the day it came out.  Glitches make me mad.  Although watching Spock slide across the floor is kinda entertaining.