Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Clothing~I hate it!

I have an issue. a big fat large butt issue. and this comes from my awesomes friends blog, the maddieter, from just a single line in her blog I have an issue. It's about clothing, and their sizes.

I have four pairs of pants in my closet.  Four. And all four have different sizes, okay so this is okay. Yet what is not okay is the fact that the pair with the smallest listed size falls off my hips, and I have to wear a belt.  The largest size doesn't fit me at all.  They are too small.  Yet they are the same cut, the same women's work slacks.

This is my issue.  I am dieting too, working on dropping a few extra pounds and I am so confused at our loving societies trying to make the larger people feel better.  I want to be a size like 8 or something and now, I have a pair of size 8 pants that fit me great, so should I stop dieting?  But the size '20' somethings that I have are too tight. So does that mean I am already a size 8 because we changed the sizing to make me feel thin, even though I need to lose the extra weight to be healthy.

I don't get it. I don't understand and it makes me feel so damned sick with our society.  I mean, if you are big and healthy then wear you clothes and don't be ashamed!!! If you are big and unhealthy, get off your lard ass and exercise, stop eating garbage and pay attention!!!!  Don't buy crap just to make yourself feel better. OHHH so your in a size 6 dress. But take a tape measure around your wide hips and lard belly and find out how big you really are and make yourself fit the damned clothes the way they were made!!

I know I might sound evil about this, but the stupid assholes that insist on lying to themselves are just hurting the rest of us whom want to make the best effort and become healthy, move around and stop watching tv and like I keep saying THINK DAMNIT.

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