Monday, April 22, 2013

Life, It gets in the way.

I mean really, because of life I haven't had the want to to put fingers to keyboard and type.  Or the time, really.  And I have realized something else- My writing skills are sub-par to others that I know.  So I am going to pout about it for a while and probably make no effort to improve, as is the American way.

I mean correct me if I am wrong.  We, whom live here sandwiched between a country that has health care for all, retartedly low violence, yet EVERYONE owns a gun and on the other side, they are all trying to come here for the better life.  Yet we can't get our people help.  We can't get out of debt, we can't live without fear, we can't even offer those who has worked their entire lives time to sit and rest before they start their next journey toward death.  Yeah, we have it soo good. 

SO instead of dwelling on the fact that the US is shit when compared to pretty much everyone else in pretty much everything else, I want to share something pretty awesome.

I got the new Star Trek game for the PS3 reserved and because I pre-ordered it I got a Kreo building set of the Enterprise (which isn't sold on or on the Gamestop website!!) and a poster and they are SWEEEET!  okay, okay, I just geek-gasmned I know. But hey what are you gonna do?

And before I forget go check out my Zazzle shop and buy my shit
Also check out my awesome Lenses at Squidoo
My Profile
And my Art stuff over at dA

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