The combos are just like the entire game, limited. Structured. Linear.
I am, in all honesty, kind of speechless for this one. The story was fantastic. The graphics were amazing and I didn't see very many glitches at all. No game play glitches that I ran into either. (Unlike Star Trek.) The combat *looked* smooth, and was fun when I could kill something. I loved all four times you remix memories too! Yes, just four times. 4. When all of the previews and teasers made it seem like that was going to be a big part of the game, not just plot points.
Again, I'm disappointed. I wanted a sneaking game that let you mess with peoples heads, that made you a thief above thieves, because you were stealing and defiling that which is supposed to be untouchable, truly sacred. Instead it's a linear beat 'em up that is unforgiving and short. The final boss wasn't challenging at all (running in circles did it for me). And did I mention it was not a sneaking game? Your a memory hunter, a thief, yet you stole things three times (maybe four) and didn't have to sneak AT ALL.
I beat it. I got the t-shirt. But I did NOT get a new game plus. No restart with all your stats to pick up all the collectibles you missed. So I felt no need to do so, it wasn't worth the struggle of the perfect-timing battle system that I couldn't get down. Even by the end of the game all I could do was the 3 hit combo, and some times the five. Sometimes, when it let me.
This is sad. I wanted to do a full write up, something that told you guys about an amazing game, something that made sense, but it was so disappointing and I was so terribly let down that I really don't have the words.
Which is the exact reason I haven't done a write up on Star Trek the Game. I haven't even beaten Star Trek yet, and I got it the day it came out. Glitches make me mad. Although watching Spock slide across the floor is kinda entertaining.
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