I haven't picked sides with the Snowden case. I have been terrible about the fact that I have't even been following it. However I know two things:
1: Loose Lips Sink Ships. Period.
2: People have the right to know what's going on in the world.
And that's where I'm stuck. That's why I haven't said a damned thing, that's why I haven't even really thought about this case, even though what Snowden did was epic, and thought provoking and it makes me think. HOWEVER, what he did is what *he* did.
Not this. This is bullshit. How in the living hell would this company even know what the hell he was sending. WHY would they look. OH but wait Lavabit wouldn't look. Would they? They wouldn't invade privacy. And now they are closed. And they cannot even talk about why they are closed in detail, because it's illegal.
But the fourth amendment. Anyone?
Manuel Rebollo
Buy This at Allposters.com
Ranting, venting, being obnoxious, you know this blog is being Unique just like the rest of the internet.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Sooooooo... Do *You* Self Edit?
I do. A lot. I mean a lot a lot. Like pretty much every I get online I do not jump into Facebook conversations or forums or chats or pretty much ANYTHING for fear of saying something stupid or offensive. I know what some of you are thinking, because I'm thinking it too, and if you don't well I'm thinking that I shouldn't worry about it. I should be myself and share and express. HOWEVER, I don't. I am pretty sure it comes from a deep rooting something, blah, blah, blah, acceptance, blah yadda yadda, Freud. So, now that I've admitted I have an issue then um. Well. Um. Yeah. I'm going to try not to do that anymore.
There are things on these world wide webs that make me laugh, like spitting coffee out of my nose laugh. But I don't want to share it in general because of those few people that may see it and become offended. Again, like I said. No more. This blog is going to become my 'share stuff that may offend people place' and if you don't like it you don't have to read it. You really don't have to come here at all. (And by my traffic stats a lot of people don't, so I guess I don't have a lot of things to worry about there.)
There are things on these world wide webs that make me laugh, like spitting coffee out of my nose laugh. But I don't want to share it in general because of those few people that may see it and become offended. Again, like I said. No more. This blog is going to become my 'share stuff that may offend people place' and if you don't like it you don't have to read it. You really don't have to come here at all. (And by my traffic stats a lot of people don't, so I guess I don't have a lot of things to worry about there.)
Thanks to the comic I read every day it updates (which is Monday - Friday) I have found Garfunkel and Oates.. .... ..... I literally almost dropped my phone when I was watching this video this morning.
Yes. Yes. This is NOT work safe. Blah blah blah warning. And offensive and educational. And thank you again FTF!
Another thing I would like to share, since I'm sharing Youtube goodiness is a playlist I made because I can and because of Improbable Island it's all about Zombies.
Did you know there were Zombie love songs? Well now you do. See this blog IS informative!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
My take on Remember Me
Remember Me is a game on the PC, PS3 (I think Xbox, but I pay Microsoft no mind) created and published by Dontnod Entertainment and Capcom. *Moment of silence.*
I haven't been so disappointed in a game in a while. Not a long while, but a while. It could have been great. It could have been as Thief good, with tech and mind re-mixing and awesome storying and other amazing-ness. But it wasn't. It was non of that. The combat was overly precise, I mean timing perfection needed to pull out combos, combos that you could basically build yourself within a very structured, very limited form. Combos that are necessary to kill anything, and survive. Because without the boosts of combos you will not survive. Trust me on this one.
The combos are just like the entire game, limited. Structured. Linear.
I am, in all honesty, kind of speechless for this one. The story was fantastic. The graphics were amazing and I didn't see very many glitches at all. No game play glitches that I ran into either. (Unlike Star Trek.) The combat *looked* smooth, and was fun when I could kill something. I loved all four times you remix memories too! Yes, just four times. 4. When all of the previews and teasers made it seem like that was going to be a big part of the game, not just plot points.
Again, I'm disappointed. I wanted a sneaking game that let you mess with peoples heads, that made you a thief above thieves, because you were stealing and defiling that which is supposed to be untouchable, truly sacred. Instead it's a linear beat 'em up that is unforgiving and short. The final boss wasn't challenging at all (running in circles did it for me). And did I mention it was not a sneaking game? Your a memory hunter, a thief, yet you stole things three times (maybe four) and didn't have to sneak AT ALL.
I beat it. I got the t-shirt. But I did NOT get a new game plus. No restart with all your stats to pick up all the collectibles you missed. So I felt no need to do so, it wasn't worth the struggle of the perfect-timing battle system that I couldn't get down. Even by the end of the game all I could do was the 3 hit combo, and some times the five. Sometimes, when it let me.
This is sad. I wanted to do a full write up, something that told you guys about an amazing game, something that made sense, but it was so disappointing and I was so terribly let down that I really don't have the words.
Which is the exact reason I haven't done a write up on Star Trek the Game. I haven't even beaten Star Trek yet, and I got it the day it came out. Glitches make me mad. Although watching Spock slide across the floor is kinda entertaining.
I haven't been so disappointed in a game in a while. Not a long while, but a while. It could have been great. It could have been as Thief good, with tech and mind re-mixing and awesome storying and other amazing-ness. But it wasn't. It was non of that. The combat was overly precise, I mean timing perfection needed to pull out combos, combos that you could basically build yourself within a very structured, very limited form. Combos that are necessary to kill anything, and survive. Because without the boosts of combos you will not survive. Trust me on this one.
The combos are just like the entire game, limited. Structured. Linear.
I am, in all honesty, kind of speechless for this one. The story was fantastic. The graphics were amazing and I didn't see very many glitches at all. No game play glitches that I ran into either. (Unlike Star Trek.) The combat *looked* smooth, and was fun when I could kill something. I loved all four times you remix memories too! Yes, just four times. 4. When all of the previews and teasers made it seem like that was going to be a big part of the game, not just plot points.
Again, I'm disappointed. I wanted a sneaking game that let you mess with peoples heads, that made you a thief above thieves, because you were stealing and defiling that which is supposed to be untouchable, truly sacred. Instead it's a linear beat 'em up that is unforgiving and short. The final boss wasn't challenging at all (running in circles did it for me). And did I mention it was not a sneaking game? Your a memory hunter, a thief, yet you stole things three times (maybe four) and didn't have to sneak AT ALL.
I beat it. I got the t-shirt. But I did NOT get a new game plus. No restart with all your stats to pick up all the collectibles you missed. So I felt no need to do so, it wasn't worth the struggle of the perfect-timing battle system that I couldn't get down. Even by the end of the game all I could do was the 3 hit combo, and some times the five. Sometimes, when it let me.
This is sad. I wanted to do a full write up, something that told you guys about an amazing game, something that made sense, but it was so disappointing and I was so terribly let down that I really don't have the words.
Which is the exact reason I haven't done a write up on Star Trek the Game. I haven't even beaten Star Trek yet, and I got it the day it came out. Glitches make me mad. Although watching Spock slide across the floor is kinda entertaining.
Friday, May 10, 2013
This made me say "WHAT?"
I got this from Upworthy. The kid has a point, and I agree with every thing he said. But listen to the TEACHER. She doesn't care. I mean really DOES NOT care. It's like she is reading from a script as she is kicking this kid (who obviously has a thought in his head) out. I know my teachers would have turned an outbreak like that into a full on discussion with possible ways to fix it. Or at least most of them. And packets?! In High school? Every day (like this kid is referring too)?!. I can think of four classes my entire high school career that relied on packets. One of them was Spanish.
The teacher needs to be educated or fired.
And testing needs to be abolished with the way it is now.
Go to http://learningismore.com/home?c=upworthy to learn more.
This is exactly what I've been ranting about though. People not caring or paying attention because it doesn't concern them. We need more people like this kid. Go sign the petition. I did. And if I could I would do it twice.
This is all it should take.
Monday, May 6, 2013
I've been working this post over in my head for a while now. And I have come to the very realization that I am becoming decidedly jaded and well bitter toward the world and that this post is going to be disjointed.
And I can pretty much pin point the moment in which it happened. Bucky Balls. When they were taken off of the market for lack of parenting here in the US, something inside me broke. And whatever it was that broke opened my eyes to the very real possibility that we have no real future. Or at least not one without another massive, messy civil war.
We can't even make anything anymore of our own.
Yes that paragraph kinda jumps off topic but so does my brain, a lot.
Oh and the government has also made illegal to use peach pits for medical purposes This one is great-- peach pits when played with by science shows a very small percentage of actually helping cure cancer... But it's illegal.
And all of this, making things illegal- I think, is why we are so flaming stupid. We are now to protect our children to the point where children run the house hold. Whipping a child for starting fires will get you locked up (local story from Newport News, VA- would actually look for it but I am being lazy). But basically, Child Protective Services says it's OK to let your child start fires because it's wrong to slap them and tell them no, AFTER you've TOLD them no.
See the fire starting happens after what I see at work every day. The kids that STEAL from my store, daddy brings the items back, and then BUYS them something else to make them stop screaming because I took the item back. This has happened more than once.
Then the school thing. I live on the East Coast, where most people speak a bit differently, but, you know, I can't understand half of them. When a person walks up to my counter, picks up a foil wrapped toy (GO-GO Crazy Bones) and asks "Is dis snacks?" I don't know what to say. After two days, literally I figured out exactly what that person said and realized that they asked if that toy was edible. Um. No. Here's the kicker that person was about 10, and I find out later is an honor student at his school.
Is dis snacks.
And just last month I had a teacher laugh at me when I offered a spelling type bored game for her and her class. She informed me that in public schools, at least in the district she works in, spelling tests were not offered any longer and vocabulary tests were all multiple choice. I felt sick. I feel sick typing that.
What the hell are we doing?! I mean really?
As a dreamy eyed teenager I remember thinking that the future held possibilities-- even as a dreamy eyed twenty something, yet, now, not so much.
Those who are excelling, do- but there are so few of them compared to those whom are now 'industry standard'. And a few can change things, but this is like emptying the ocean with a teaspoon.
And I can pretty much pin point the moment in which it happened. Bucky Balls. When they were taken off of the market for lack of parenting here in the US, something inside me broke. And whatever it was that broke opened my eyes to the very real possibility that we have no real future. Or at least not one without another massive, messy civil war.
But that will never happen. People are too scared. People are too comfortable and too damned brain washed to want to do anything. We, and by we I mean the great, grand, wonderful people of the US are one of the most religious nations in the world. We are one of the least educated. We are one of the least healthy. We are one of the fattest. We are one of the brokest (and yes, I'm dipping into 'third-world' stats here). We have more prisons than pretty much anyone else. Yet our crime rate is one of the highest.
We can't even make anything anymore of our own.
People don't know the difference between Hemp and Marijuana. Nor do most people know that we used to grow hemp for food, for clothing for sustainability And the government has made it illegal (In case you were not aware- hemp does NOT get you high, but it does make paper that never fades, or yellows with very little pollution-- see the Declaration of Independence).
Yes that paragraph kinda jumps off topic but so does my brain, a lot.
Oh and the government has also made illegal to use peach pits for medical purposes This one is great-- peach pits when played with by science shows a very small percentage of actually helping cure cancer... But it's illegal.
And all of this, making things illegal- I think, is why we are so flaming stupid. We are now to protect our children to the point where children run the house hold. Whipping a child for starting fires will get you locked up (local story from Newport News, VA- would actually look for it but I am being lazy). But basically, Child Protective Services says it's OK to let your child start fires because it's wrong to slap them and tell them no, AFTER you've TOLD them no.
See the fire starting happens after what I see at work every day. The kids that STEAL from my store, daddy brings the items back, and then BUYS them something else to make them stop screaming because I took the item back. This has happened more than once.
Then the school thing. I live on the East Coast, where most people speak a bit differently, but, you know, I can't understand half of them. When a person walks up to my counter, picks up a foil wrapped toy (GO-GO Crazy Bones) and asks "Is dis snacks?" I don't know what to say. After two days, literally I figured out exactly what that person said and realized that they asked if that toy was edible. Um. No. Here's the kicker that person was about 10, and I find out later is an honor student at his school.
Is dis snacks.
And just last month I had a teacher laugh at me when I offered a spelling type bored game for her and her class. She informed me that in public schools, at least in the district she works in, spelling tests were not offered any longer and vocabulary tests were all multiple choice. I felt sick. I feel sick typing that.
What the hell are we doing?! I mean really?
As a dreamy eyed teenager I remember thinking that the future held possibilities-- even as a dreamy eyed twenty something, yet, now, not so much.
Those who are excelling, do- but there are so few of them compared to those whom are now 'industry standard'. And a few can change things, but this is like emptying the ocean with a teaspoon.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
French Toast Kinda
So I tried to do a recipe I found on FB, for french toast casserole. And it was, um. Interesting. Yeah that's a good word for it. I might have packed the slices too tight, used too much egg mix or something because it turned out like bread pudding with french toast sticks on top (the crusts of the french bread).
And my silly tail didn't take a final pic.
But here is the sauce for the bottom.
All ready for the fridge over night.
And this is the morning I cooked it. It tasted awesome and sorry for no final pics but. Yeah.
Bread Pudding with French Toast Sticks on Top:
French Toast Casserole
1 c. brown sugar, packed
1/2 c. butter
2 c. corn syrup
1 loaf French bread, sliced
5 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 c. milk
1 t. vanilla extract
Garnish: powdered sugar, maple syrup
(We added 1 1/2 cups chopped pecans to our recipe)
Melt together brown sugar, butter and corn syrup in a saucepan over low heat; pour into a greased 13" x 9" baking pan. Arrange bread slices over mixture and set aside. Whisk together eggs, milk and vanilla; pour over bread, coating all slices. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Uncover and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, or until lightly golden. Sprinkle with powered sugar; serve with warm syrup. Makes 6-8 servings
1 c. brown sugar, packed
1/2 c. butter
2 c. corn syrup
1 loaf French bread, sliced
5 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 c. milk
1 t. vanilla extract
Garnish: powdered sugar, maple syrup
(We added 1 1/2 cups chopped pecans to our recipe)
Melt together brown sugar, butter and corn syrup in a saucepan over low heat; pour into a greased 13" x 9" baking pan. Arrange bread slices over mixture and set aside. Whisk together eggs, milk and vanilla; pour over bread, coating all slices. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Uncover and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, or until lightly golden. Sprinkle with powered sugar; serve with warm syrup. Makes 6-8 servings
Shared and re-shared around Facebook. I think it came from her and if it did I thank you!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Life, It gets in the way.
I mean really, because of life I haven't had the want to to put fingers to keyboard and type. Or the time, really. And I have realized something else- My writing skills are sub-par to others that I know. So I am going to pout about it for a while and probably make no effort to improve, as is the American way.
I mean correct me if I am wrong. We, whom live here sandwiched between a country that has health care for all, retartedly low violence, yet EVERYONE owns a gun and on the other side, they are all trying to come here for the better life. Yet we can't get our people help. We can't get out of debt, we can't live without fear, we can't even offer those who has worked their entire lives time to sit and rest before they start their next journey toward death. Yeah, we have it soo good.
SO instead of dwelling on the fact that the US is shit when compared to pretty much everyone else in pretty much everything else, I want to share something pretty awesome.
I got the new Star Trek game for the PS3 reserved and because I pre-ordered it I got a Kreo building set of the Enterprise (which isn't sold on Amazon.com or on the Gamestop website!!) and a poster and they are SWEEEET! okay, okay, I just geek-gasmned I know. But hey what are you gonna do?
And before I forget go check out my Zazzle shop and buy my shit
Also check out my awesome Lenses at Squidoo
My Profile
And my Art stuff over at dA
I mean correct me if I am wrong. We, whom live here sandwiched between a country that has health care for all, retartedly low violence, yet EVERYONE owns a gun and on the other side, they are all trying to come here for the better life. Yet we can't get our people help. We can't get out of debt, we can't live without fear, we can't even offer those who has worked their entire lives time to sit and rest before they start their next journey toward death. Yeah, we have it soo good.
SO instead of dwelling on the fact that the US is shit when compared to pretty much everyone else in pretty much everything else, I want to share something pretty awesome.
I got the new Star Trek game for the PS3 reserved and because I pre-ordered it I got a Kreo building set of the Enterprise (which isn't sold on Amazon.com or on the Gamestop website!!) and a poster and they are SWEEEET! okay, okay, I just geek-gasmned I know. But hey what are you gonna do?
And before I forget go check out my Zazzle shop and buy my shit
Also check out my awesome Lenses at Squidoo
My Profile
And my Art stuff over at dA
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