Yes, I sound evil, and very angry but I am. I *loath* willful ignorance and stupidity, and believing A TOY will educate your child really gets my knickers in a knot. PARENTS educate, kids learn by mimicking. By watching what their care takers do, not from a brightly colored flashing ball toy that does everything for the poor child, short of pushing a very simple to push button. I could rant on and on about this, and I am pretty sure others have, so I'll leave it alone. But again, people think. Friends of people with kids THINK. Human interaction trumps a 'educational toy' ANY DAY.
On a happier note, one that isn't ranting and raving and being otherwise pissy-
I am a gamer.
Having said this, three very amazing games are coming out in a very short amount of time.
Assassins Creed III
Assassins Creed Liberation for PS Vita.
My head is going to explode. Like seriously explode. And they all are around-ish my birthday :D :D :D The video game gods LOVE me!
While I rot my brain on eye-hand and critical thinking exorcizes I am also trying to learn Binary Trading. I haven't got the money up to fund an account yet, but I am doing pretty good watching trends and practicing. I will keep updating how I do. Right now I am writing over at Mylot (it's a great place to converse and earn at the same time, I will do a whole write up on it later. but for now join me, and help me earn!) I am also Mturking my butt off and Clickworkering because I am trying to earn the $100 I need for Any Option, so that I can start binary trading and maybe, just maybe get ahead. OR get stable enough so that I don't have to be so scared IF my seasonal job goes by by. OH By the way Clickworker is an affiliate site too. For every person you get to sign up, it's $5 bucks. :D
Very soon I will do a complete write up of every site I mentioned too.
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