Hi, hello, how ya doing.
Yes it's been over a year and yes that really sucks. It's my own damned fault for being kinda afraid to put my fingers to the keyboard.
A long while back I did a post that I wasn't going to self censor, and I meant it. However I felt like I still couldn't come up with the words or the right words to put on 'paper'. But, in light of everything that has happened in the past year in society, in my own life, and the most recent bullshit shooting, I feel like I should say something.
I mean what the fuck have we done to ourselves? Seriously. It's not he government, it's not religion, it's not our schools or prisons. It's us.
It's us as the people of the U.S. It's all of our faults to let the hate and insecurities settle so far into our own hearts and minds. It is US that have let these terrible acts of violence and hate happen, it is us that have created a nation where you need three jobs to support two people in a shitty run down apartment. IT IS US.
And we can't accept that.
We can't.
We want to blame corporations, our government and everyone but ourselves. We want to be triggered and create our own little bubbles. We want to recreate feminism, and create groups like Black lives matter. When ALL lives matter. WE want our own utopias, where everyone else has to conform to OUR utopia, the way we want it, fuck free your thoughts and opinions.
What we need is something else entirely. We need to mind our own god-damned business. We need to support each other without asking questions and expecting something in return.
By doing this we can come together and fix the issues that really are hurting us. Because WE CONTROL THE GOVERNMENT. WE CONTROL THE BUSINESSES. We together can fix the schools, by raising our children to respect teachers and instilling a willingness to learn, we can fix the schools by showing the government that we want our teachers paid and our classrooms stocked.
WE can do this. I can't, you can't but WE CAN.
We can take our lives back from the fear we live in everyday. WE can do it.
But I don't think we won't, although that won't stop me from trying.
And this is how you can too:
DON'T spread propaganda. Don't push one agenda over another, yes the tragedy at Orlando was awful but by pushing for gun control or by pushing for gays to be 'cured' or abolished, you will make the problem worse. It isn't the fact people can arm themselves. It is the hate that the people feel that makes them want to use that armament-. HELP THOSE PEOPLE.
BE RESPECTFUL. Cheesesjus we've been taught this since we were children, yet look at the hate. LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT THE WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH LOOK AT THE SHOOTINGS LOOK AT THE TRANS PEOPLE BEING BE BEATEN, AND THE STRAIGHT PEOPLE TOO FOR USING THE FUCKING BATHROOM. LOOK AT IT. This is the problem. It's us. It's us unable to mind our own damned business. It's us unable to look at a person and say, "that's a person." Not look a person and think "OMG IT'S DIFFERENT KILL IT OR BE AFRAID OF IT". Because that is what we do. And that's what's wrong.
And I don't care if you don't like what I'm saying. That it's our fault, just as much as it is mine for not helping, for taking sides to defending the weak. Instead of defending we should be helping to make everyone equal. EVERYONE. EQUAL. It doesn't matter if you identify as a cat, if you have human dna and genomes then you should be treated just like me, just like that guy down the street.
We should be ASKING for help. NOT DEMANDING compliance. WE should not place our personal beliefs over someone else's because of life style choices and demand that they conform to us or even the other way around.
And I know you're thinking, well debating sexism, racism and theology will fix those problems. NO NO IT WON'T. INSTEAD it allows people to be persecuted and hunted. It opens the door for shootings. NO MORE DEBATES.
Unique: Just Like EVERYONE Else.
Ranting, venting, being obnoxious, you know this blog is being Unique just like the rest of the internet.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Monday, April 27, 2015
Boss Fights in Video Games.
Yeah, so I just read a very 'intresting' article over at PC Gamer where they talked about boss fights in our favorite pass time, and how that very idea could be antiquated.
I personally think that no boss fights are not antiquated, and are a very real mechanic to almost every game. Note I said almost. Bosses are your goal, a real, tangible (you know what I mean in video games) goal that you strive to get to- whether its for the highest score, emotional attachments or straight up the thrill of the hunt. You want that boss, you need that boss and most stories demand that boss.
If you know even the basics of writing a semi-coherent story you know that there must be five things: setting, character, plot, theme and conflict. The setting, character and plot are pretty self explanatory, the theme usually ties it all together, and the conflict can come from many different places, including from inside the main character. But that doesn't stop the conflict from needing to be resolved. Meaning some kind of struggle or work has to be done to get closure. Hence boss fights. Now I made that super simple. I mean, SUPER simple just to give you an idea of how and why boss fights are essential.
I believe that not all bosses are created equal, or even fairly. Some are just cheap and gimmicky which are not fun (boss fights that are mobs- quantity of enemies does not equate to difficulty) but others, the ones that take planning, finesse, the culmination of your skills and time you put into the game, those fights are the reason I game. Like the Dragons in Dragon Age Inquisition, all of the bosses in Bastion and Transistor, the bosses I've beat so far in Vindictus, Ruby Weapon, all the colossi in Shadow of the Colossus, the 'things' in Tower of Pandora and the list goes on. These fights, may not always have had direct correlations to the story, but damn did they make me feel great, accomplished and if they are tied to the story then they give me the satisfaction of knowing I kicked the crap outta some boss and saved lives, got the next piece of the puzzle or whatever other goal I needed to achieve.
I truly believe that games are going away. Good RPGS are hard to come by now, and we've gone and segregated countries into their own genres, confusing and driving people away from a good story (see XenoBlade X) just because it's a JRPG and not a straight RPG. *stupid labels* The new 'breed of gamer' who thinks Candy Crush and only playing online in COD is considered being a 'hardcore gamer' is what is making this topic semi relevant. I've played multi-player arena style shooters and no, there is no boss, no need for one because other humans are your 'bosses', so why would people who stay in that genre think that big boss fights were relevant? I see that, and it makes me weep.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Discrimination, Really? Confusion More Likely.
I was about to rant about Indiana and what VA is about to do, supposedly do, I mean. Then I really got to reading the RFRA, and I agree with (mostly) with this article here after reading the wiki on AZ here and noting at the bottom of the wiki there is a list of states with 'similar' legislation but two states out right say that the legislation is working on discriminating against lgtb. The rest is to protect the religious populations of their states. I get that in reality protecting religious beliefs makes it possible to protect discrimination because of said beliefs, however is it really being put into play to target these groups of people by those groups of people? Is putting a law or groups of laws up to protect one group really a bad thing? No, I kinda like my laws protecting me and making me equal.
NOW having said that, I believe that churches should be taxed, and that church and state should be separated, like completely separated. Instead of political people running their mouths saying this is a Christian country and that laws should be based on what every holy story book they happen to be holding. Yet I truly believe that they have the right to hold that story book, to believe in that story book and to follow that story book as long as they do it with out infringing upon my rights to live a normal happy life over here. You know one where I can have birth control and protect myself from diseases through vaccines and condoms. And wear blended materials, and not be spayed and pick my own clothes, pick my spouse, and eat what ever I want when ever I want, and bathe, and drive, and well you get the point.
This is coming from scrolling FB really quickly:Okay so I am really confused, here is the law, and It sounds like to me, it's protecting the religious peoples from the government like I said but does that mean that the religious peoples can go and discriminate against everyone now because they are protected? Really? Is this what people are afraid of? Because if that is exactly what happens then, we as a nation needs to step back and start really looking at our selves, then look at the rest of the world and realize that we are being ass.
And here is a motivational poster just cuz:
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Beating My Head Against A Wall.
Starting with a shameless plug! FIVERR
On to life.
I have been watching science, namely Bill Nye the Science Guy (admit it the theme song popped into your head when you read his name) be squashed by Religitards.
Cosmos was edited Oklahoma, and yet those who edited it scream for equal rights to say what they want to say, to spread their word without being edited. I'm sorry, what? Double standard much?
Wait where was I going with this. ... Oh yeah, I wasn't. There is no where to go. We, humanity, have a major problem on our hands. The earth is heating up, which is why Colorado saw snow in MAY. And if you don't understand why hotter ocean temperatures can make it snow, then you need to go read, I learned that in earth science in like 7th grade. Public school mind you. The oceans are becoming full of trash and yet.... Because of people who don't believe any of it are in positions of power NOTHING IS BEING DONE.
Well, actually things are being done, but it takes 100% effort and we aren't even close to that... Because, you know beliefs. I guess if we all close our eyes and truly believe that everything is A-OKAY and everything is happy then it all will be. As I sit in 98 degree highs in SPRING, and just opposite of me on the same content, almost on the same longitude where there is just about a foot of snow.
Basically if I have to make a point, if you don't believe in global warming, that's fine, but don't stop those who do because we don't stop you from not believing. And if you don't believe because you don't know, AND you're too lazy to go look it up, that's okay too. That's why the scientists get paid the big bucks, to think for you, just let them do their jobs. Because we don't force you to do it for them.
You know it's called equality and um. Well I thought I had another word, for you know, when you treat people the way you want to be treated. When you mind your own business when you believe that you are right and they are wrong, but they leave you alone because they believe they are right and you are wrong. You know, equal treatment. Free speech, ect ect.
On to life.
I have been watching science, namely Bill Nye the Science Guy (admit it the theme song popped into your head when you read his name) be squashed by Religitards.
Cosmos was edited Oklahoma, and yet those who edited it scream for equal rights to say what they want to say, to spread their word without being edited. I'm sorry, what? Double standard much?
Wait where was I going with this. ... Oh yeah, I wasn't. There is no where to go. We, humanity, have a major problem on our hands. The earth is heating up, which is why Colorado saw snow in MAY. And if you don't understand why hotter ocean temperatures can make it snow, then you need to go read, I learned that in earth science in like 7th grade. Public school mind you. The oceans are becoming full of trash and yet.... Because of people who don't believe any of it are in positions of power NOTHING IS BEING DONE.
Well, actually things are being done, but it takes 100% effort and we aren't even close to that... Because, you know beliefs. I guess if we all close our eyes and truly believe that everything is A-OKAY and everything is happy then it all will be. As I sit in 98 degree highs in SPRING, and just opposite of me on the same content, almost on the same longitude where there is just about a foot of snow.
Basically if I have to make a point, if you don't believe in global warming, that's fine, but don't stop those who do because we don't stop you from not believing. And if you don't believe because you don't know, AND you're too lazy to go look it up, that's okay too. That's why the scientists get paid the big bucks, to think for you, just let them do their jobs. Because we don't force you to do it for them.
You know it's called equality and um. Well I thought I had another word, for you know, when you treat people the way you want to be treated. When you mind your own business when you believe that you are right and they are wrong, but they leave you alone because they believe they are right and you are wrong. You know, equal treatment. Free speech, ect ect.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Fiverr Animation Examples
Here are some examples of what the animations will look like for my gig.
and another one
and one more
and another one
Sunday, April 6, 2014
SO yeah. Fiverr YEAH
Kay, so yeah.
I have actually opened this stupid thing like a million times, stared at its' awesome blankness and then closed the tab.
I mean really, what is me saying anything going to do for anyone, when you can read what I am going to probably say on like a million other blogs or websites or status updates across the vastness that is the internet.
HOWEVER, I feel like being a sheeple. I feel like self indulging and writing. And I feel like self promoting so CHECK ME OUT OVER AT FIVERR! I write poetry for you, stylize it and make it yours for only five bucks. THATS RIGHT five bucks.
No, no fancy banner. I don't need one. I don't think anyway. LOL.
Like really, though, go check it out. I kinda need to write your poetry, and your friends poetry and soon I'll animate it too.
Other than that, life kinda hit us kinda hard right in the gut, then kidney punch, kidney punch, kidney punch and PAUSE...
Yeah, life did that to me and is still doing it to me. BUT I will come out of it bigger and stronger, and HAPPIER. *if you buy my services, especially.*
So yeah. Video game rants, consumer rants and other rants coming. :)
Also. uh...
I earn five bux every two weeks over at
just by clicking ads every day, for about a half hour. It's not much but it buys me games on steam. Which softens the kidney punches.
I also earn about the same over at
, in about the same amount of time. So every two weeks, 10 bux, without doing any real work, directly to my paypal. Can't beat it. LOL
I have actually opened this stupid thing like a million times, stared at its' awesome blankness and then closed the tab.
I mean really, what is me saying anything going to do for anyone, when you can read what I am going to probably say on like a million other blogs or websites or status updates across the vastness that is the internet.
HOWEVER, I feel like being a sheeple. I feel like self indulging and writing. And I feel like self promoting so CHECK ME OUT OVER AT FIVERR! I write poetry for you, stylize it and make it yours for only five bucks. THATS RIGHT five bucks.
No, no fancy banner. I don't need one. I don't think anyway. LOL.
Like really, though, go check it out. I kinda need to write your poetry, and your friends poetry and soon I'll animate it too.
Other than that, life kinda hit us kinda hard right in the gut, then kidney punch, kidney punch, kidney punch and PAUSE...
Yeah, life did that to me and is still doing it to me. BUT I will come out of it bigger and stronger, and HAPPIER. *if you buy my services, especially.*
So yeah. Video game rants, consumer rants and other rants coming. :)
Also. uh...
I earn five bux every two weeks over at
I also earn about the same over at
Saturday, August 10, 2013
I haven't picked sides with the Snowden case. I have been terrible about the fact that I have't even been following it. However I know two things:
1: Loose Lips Sink Ships. Period.
2: People have the right to know what's going on in the world.
And that's where I'm stuck. That's why I haven't said a damned thing, that's why I haven't even really thought about this case, even though what Snowden did was epic, and thought provoking and it makes me think. HOWEVER, what he did is what *he* did.
Not this. This is bullshit. How in the living hell would this company even know what the hell he was sending. WHY would they look. OH but wait Lavabit wouldn't look. Would they? They wouldn't invade privacy. And now they are closed. And they cannot even talk about why they are closed in detail, because it's illegal.
But the fourth amendment. Anyone?
Manuel Rebollo
Buy This at Allposters.com
1: Loose Lips Sink Ships. Period.
2: People have the right to know what's going on in the world.
And that's where I'm stuck. That's why I haven't said a damned thing, that's why I haven't even really thought about this case, even though what Snowden did was epic, and thought provoking and it makes me think. HOWEVER, what he did is what *he* did.
Not this. This is bullshit. How in the living hell would this company even know what the hell he was sending. WHY would they look. OH but wait Lavabit wouldn't look. Would they? They wouldn't invade privacy. And now they are closed. And they cannot even talk about why they are closed in detail, because it's illegal.
But the fourth amendment. Anyone?
Manuel Rebollo
Buy This at Allposters.com
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