I have actually opened this stupid thing like a million times, stared at its' awesome blankness and then closed the tab.
I mean really, what is me saying anything going to do for anyone, when you can read what I am going to probably say on like a million other blogs or websites or status updates across the vastness that is the internet.
HOWEVER, I feel like being a sheeple. I feel like self indulging and writing. And I feel like self promoting so CHECK ME OUT OVER AT FIVERR! I write poetry for you, stylize it and make it yours for only five bucks. THATS RIGHT five bucks.
No, no fancy banner. I don't need one. I don't think anyway. LOL.
Like really, though, go check it out. I kinda need to write your poetry, and your friends poetry and soon I'll animate it too.
Other than that, life kinda hit us kinda hard right in the gut, then kidney punch, kidney punch, kidney punch and PAUSE...
Yeah, life did that to me and is still doing it to me. BUT I will come out of it bigger and stronger, and HAPPIER. *if you buy my services, especially.*
So yeah. Video game rants, consumer rants and other rants coming. :)
Also. uh...
I earn five bux every two weeks over at
I also earn about the same over at
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