Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Beating My Head Against A Wall.

Starting with a shameless plug! FIVERR

On to life.

I have been watching science, namely Bill Nye the Science Guy (admit it the theme song popped into your head when you read his name) be squashed by Religitards.

Cosmos was edited Oklahoma, and yet those who edited it scream for equal rights to say what they want to say, to spread their word without being edited. I'm sorry, what? Double standard much?

Wait where was I going with this. ... Oh yeah, I wasn't. There is no where to go.  We, humanity, have a major problem on our hands.  The earth is heating up, which is why Colorado saw snow in MAY.  And if you don't understand why hotter ocean temperatures can make it snow, then you need to go read, I learned that in earth science in like 7th grade.  Public school mind you.  The oceans are becoming full of trash and yet.... Because of people who don't believe any of it are in positions of power NOTHING IS BEING DONE.

Well, actually things are being done, but it takes 100% effort and we aren't even close to that... Because, you know beliefs.  I guess if we all close our eyes and truly believe that everything is A-OKAY and everything is happy then it all will be.  As I sit in 98 degree highs in SPRING, and just opposite of me on the same content, almost on the same longitude where there is just about a foot of snow.

Basically if I have to make a point, if you don't believe in global warming, that's fine, but don't stop those who do because we don't stop you from not believing.  And if you don't believe because you don't know, AND you're too lazy to go look it up, that's okay too.  That's why the scientists get paid the big bucks, to think for you, just let them do their jobs.  Because we don't force you to do it for them.

You know it's called equality and um. Well I thought I had another word, for you know, when you treat people the way you want to be treated.  When you mind your own business when you believe that you are right and they are wrong, but they leave you alone because they believe they are right and you are wrong.  You know, equal treatment.  Free speech, ect ect.